Klenny Nurseries Uncategorized Grafted Hass Avocado – A Simple Guide

Grafted Hass Avocado – A Simple Guide

Planting Material

Planting material for hass avocado is from mature indigenous avocado seeds potted .


The scion should be selected from terminal branches of desirable avocado variety in this case hass. The best scion material is from a matured and hardened shoots, not ones that are young and overly succulent. The selected scion must have at least 3 buds.

  • Cut 6 inch length of scion (branch tips containing several buds) using sharp knife or scalpel.
  • Remove the top (apical growing of the rootstock with a pair of pruning shears or scalpel. Make sure the remaining rootstock is about 15 inches high so that the graft union is far enough off the soil surface or potting.
  • Using a scalpel or grafting knife make a cut across the center of the cut surface of the rootstock. To do this place the mid point of the blade on the Centre of the grafting knife .Initiate the cut straight downwards until when the cut is about one inch.
  • Hold the scion vertically with the buds facing downwards. Pull the grafting knife upwards and diagonally through the base of the scion in a smooth motion . Repeat the same on the other side of the scion.
  • Pair the rootstock and the scion together .Push the scion into the rootstock and make sure the cambium layers of the scion and rootstock are in close and direct contact.
  • Wrap the graft union with the rubber band .Avoid air spaces where the graft union is. Using parafilm wrap the scion from below the graft ensuring the graft union is completely sealed to keep out potential pests and diseases. Wrapping also help in retaining moisture of the scion until the graft heals.

Care Tips

Once grafting has been done the seedling are placed under a shade .Ensure that the seedlings are regularly watered and weeding done once weeds starts to sprout .All shoots that sprout below the graft union should be removed.

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