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Buffalo grass care tips and significance benefits on lawns

Buffalo grass has broad, light-green leaves and forms a dense, coarse-textured lawn which resists wear and weeds. Bouteloua dactyloides, commonly known as buffalo grass is a North American prairie grass native to Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Buffalo grass are warm season turf which are drought tolerant. The grass is quite tolerant of a range of conditions and establishes with seed, sod, or plugs.

Tips to Caring for Buffalo Grass

Buffalo grass care tips can be fairly straightforward.

Here are four tips to help you ensure everything from seed germination to long-term maintenance goes well.

Fend off weeds. You will need to practice vigilant weed control with buffalo grass.

The healthier and more robust you keep every square foot of your buffalo grass, the less likely you will pluck weeds from your garden.

If you are dealing with an onslaught of rapidly spreading grass use herbicide.

Mow frequently. Regular mowing is key to buffalo grass lawn care and tidy landscaping overall.

Keep in mind that buffalo grass curves as it grows, so don’t mow it all the time.

Still, frequent mowing helps preserve the buffalo grass as ground cover while allowing its clippings and seed heads to build a stronger growth habit in the soil.

Take care of the thatch

As its growing season draws to a close in late spring to early summer, your buffalo lawn may enter a period of dormancy, leading to a lot of dead plant matter (or thatch).

Thatch is brought about by too little moisture in an arid summer or by the cold chill of winter.

So long as you rake up all this thatch, your yard will green up and look like a new lawn again the following spring. 

Get the soil just right. Plant buffalo grass in the right type of soil. Sandy soils are out of the question, nor should you overwater the grass. If you can’t rely on an inch or two of monthly rainfall, a combination of direct sunlight and regular watering is recommended.

Buffalo grass has many advantages that make it an ideal turf for you.

It has been cultivated as one of the best choices for a carefree lawn.

Significant benefits

Drought Tolerance and Cold Resistance

One of the most significant benefits of buffalo grass is its ability to thrive in dry and drought conditions without dying off. 

Buffalo grass does not suffer from cold weather damage, it enters dormancy in the winter but will recover in spring. Its an ideal choice for regions with hot summers and cold winters, where it can maintain its lush appearance throughout the year.

Low Water and Fertilizer Needs

Once this grass is established, it needs little fertilizer and water to thrive. Typically, 15-30 inches of annual rainfall is all this turf needs to survive. 

Its deep taproots allow it to find the nutrients it needs in the soil. 

It Can Be Established By Seed, Sod, or Plug

Buffalo grass lawns can be established by seed, sod, or plug. Various methods provide gardeners with effective cultivating ways to resist pests and diseases.

Less Mowing Needed

The number of annual mowing required for buffalo grass can vary depending on climate, soil conditions, and the desired lawn appearance.

On average, buffalo grass lawns may require 2-4 mowing per year.


Now that this article has elaborated on buffalo care tips, this is why you should plant buffalo grass in your lawn. First, it soaks in water, thus helping to prevent soil erosion in your lawn. Secondly, this grass is soft thus children can play on it safely. Finally, it helps keep the whole lawn beautiful as it can survive for a long period without water

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