Klenny Nurseries Uncategorized Grafted ruiru11 coffee seedlings for Kenyan farmers.

Grafted ruiru11 coffee seedlings for Kenyan farmers.

Climate change is a complex problem of immense proportions that bears a significant threat to the future of the coffee industry, However, it’s clear that preventative practices like coffee rootstock grafting will help you adapt to ever-changing environmental conditions/effects.

Rootstock is selected for its adaptability and capacity to survive certain biotic stressors and unfavorable abiotic conditions.

Comparatively, you select scions from parent trees that are in good health and of high yield or high quality.

With grafting your plants will be stronger and more resistant to unfavorable soil conditions and rising temperatures

In addition, grafting help accelerate plant production and time to fruiting, which support you in realizing higher yields in shorter periods.

The benefits of grafting is impactful for you because they attempt to navigate production in the face of climate change.

Grafting is used in coffee to combine the best characteristics of different cultivars.

Usually, a robust, vigorous root system is provided by the rootstock and quality, disease resistance, and similar characteristics come from the scion.

Coffee Root-knot Nematode

Coffee root-knot nematodes cause your coffee plants to display “flagging” or flaccid, droopy leaves, yellowing of leaves, and premature ripening or abortion of coffee cherry.

Your coffee yield is reduced by 20-25% or greater and plants can succumb to nematode infestation.

Root and soil sampling will assist in identifying nematode problems. 

Replanting with grafted Ruiri11 coffee seedlings which are root-knot nematode resistant is the way to go.

Coffee leaf rust

Coffee rust is considered the most destructive disease affecting coffee (Coffea sp.) in the world. For coffee producers, it is economically disastrous. Light infections can result in the loss of leaves.

Severe infestations may cause twigs to die back from the tips. Eventually entire trees can die.

The long-term effects of the disease often result in a major decrease in yield for your coffee.

The use of rust-resistant coffee cultivars like grafted ruiru11 is the best method for managing the disease in the long term.


Klenny nurseries got you sorted with quality grafted Ruiru11 seedlings (with Sl as the root stock). Visit our premise for more information or contact us.

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