Klenny Nurseries Uncategorized Intercropping Hass avocado trees with Fuertes avocado trees

Intercropping Hass avocado trees with Fuertes avocado trees

Hass avocado is a variety of avocado with dark green bumpy skin. The fruit weighs 200-300 grams and when ripe the skin becomes dark- purplish.

Hass avocados have a higher fat content and longer shelf life than other varieties.

It is recommended to plant at least 1 Fuerte tree for every 20 trees of hass avocados.

Hass avocado tree produces more than a million flowers in a single flowering period although only about 200-300 proceeds to fruits.

Hass avocado trees have male and female flowers which open at different times of the day. Type ‘A’ tree (Hass) female flowers open and receive pollen in the morning, and are closed in the afternoon.

Hass avocado belongs to type A cultivar while Fuerte is type B, therefore, intercropping the two cultivars will increase the chances of pollination and fruit set.

More fruits will thus be produced compared to when each variety is planted alone. Growing type A tree and type B varieties increases the chances of pollination if insect pollinators are available eg honey bees.

Type ‘A’ male flowers are closed in the morning and shed pollen in the afternoon. Type ‘B’ tree female flowers receive pollen in the afternoon and are closed in the morning.

Type ‘B’ male flowers shed pollen in the morning and are closed in the afternoon. Therefore type A female and type B male are open at the same time; Type ‘B’ female and type ‘A’ male flowers are open at the same time.

Commercially the pollinators for hass are all type ‘B’ trees i.e. Fuerte, Bacon and Zutano.

This system results in increased yields for both varieties.


By making a decisive decision of venturing into hass avocado farming, be guaranteed of its lucrative returns in the export market with high demand in United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Place your order for Hass avocado seedlings at Klenny nurseries where quality is never compromised.

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