Klenny Nurseries Uncategorized How to grow palm tree from seed

How to grow palm tree from seed

Are you in doubts on how you can grow a palm tree from seed?. In this article we will guide you on the process of determining the maturity index of palm tree seeds, cleaning of seeds, germination requirements, Growing media/substrate, and planting

The propagation of palms for agricultural and ornamental purposes is accomplished typically by seeds.

The few exceptions are certain cultivars of Phoenix dactylifera and some ornamental palms such as Rhapis spp., which are propagated by vegetative (division) and tissue culture.

It’s best to use fresh palm seeds if possible because they tend to sprout more readily.

Here are the guide lines on successful growing of palm trees from seeds

1.Temperature Effects

Of all factors, temperature has the greatest effect on the germination of viable seeds.

Many research projects have been conducted that demonstrate the relationship between temperature
and germination rates.

Research conducted by the University of Hawaii showed that temperature is the major factor in improved germination.

Temperatures of 32°C are recommended to facilitate best germination of tropical seeds.

For subtropical palms, 27°C is ideal while some desert palms can be germinated best at 34 C to 37°C

2. Cleaning and Stratification of palm tree seeds

Sanitation is a key to high germination.

Seeds should be clean of disease organisms and insects.

As a precaution, a soak in a pesticide (either an insecticide or fungicide) may be beneficial.

Use 10% chlorine bleach dip.

Palm seeds have a tough outer shell that can impede germination.

To assist the sprouting process, soak the seeds in warm water for a week.

The soaking process should also facilitate hydration, which is an important part of stimulating germination.

Do not soak palm seeds in a gibberillic acid solution.

The fleshy and fibrous pericarp should be removed by a water soak for several days, changing the water daily. Once the pericarp is soft due to fermentation, remove it so as to eliminate any need for chemical germination inhibitors.

Once the seeds are adequately soaked, you’re ready to plant.

How to plant palm trees seeds in pots

Once the seeds are adequately soaked, you’re ready to plant.

Choose a pot with ample drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Fill it with well-draining soil and plant the seed an inch deep.

A light soilless medium that drains well but retains adequate moisture is essential for palm seed germination and survival.

Final thoughts

Are you are a fan of palms?

Then you should know palms are well-known for their erratic behavior in germinating.

Some take weeks to show any sign of sprouting.

Different species will give different results.

But follow the guidelines above, be patient, and the sequence of cues generated internally from the embryo and externally from the seed environment will result and eventually you will have a majestic palm.

Here at klenny nurseries we can attest to having the best palm trees seedlings

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